Monday, September 30, 2019

WrestlingNewsReport Just In: ROH Wrestling Results (9/28/19): Cobb vs. Lethal vs. Taven vs. King

ROH Wrestling Results (9/28/19): Cobb vs. Lethal vs. Taven vs. King ROH Wrestling Results Aired September 28, 2019 Report by Colin Tessier for Share your thoughts on tonight’s show in the Disqus section below! You can also participate via social media by using the #WZChat hashtagto voice your thoughts on tonight’s show. We want you to share our exclusive coverage page by clicking the social media buttons at the bottom of the article! A video package recaps RUSH pinning Shane Taylor in the All-Stars vs. Champions match at Ring of Honor Saturday Night at Center Stage. Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers to the show and preview the card. A video package shows part of the match between Shinobi Shadow Squad and Felino, Okumura and Silas Young from ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage. Several of the superstars get taken out with a superplex/powerbomb combination. Felino powerbombs Ryan Nova off the top rope for the win. After the match, Young asks Josh Wo..

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