Monday, September 16, 2019

WrestlingNewsReport Just In: ROH Wrestling Results (9/14/19): Marty Scurll vs. Bandido

ROH Wrestling Results (9/14/19): Marty Scurll vs. Bandido ROH Wrestling Results Aired September 14, 2019 Report by Colin Tessier for Share your thoughts on tonight’s show in the Disqus section below! You can also participate via social media by using the #WZChat hashtagto voice your thoughts on tonight’s show. We want you to share our exclusive coverage page by clicking the social media buttons at the bottom of the article! A video package showing Bandido and Marty Scurll’s recent trade of victories begins the show. Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers and preview the show. They discuss the main event between Bandido and Scurll and they also talk about the tag team division. A video package shows highlights of the match between the Briscoes and the Rock ‘N’ Roll Express from Ring of Honor Honor For All. At one point, Ricky Morton hits a suicide dive. Morton and Robert Gibson double-team Jay Briscoe but the Briscoes ultimately retain after a diving e..

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