Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Finn Balor Discusses Turning Heel, AEW Competition, NXT Return

Finn Balor Discusses Turning Heel, AEW Competition, NXT Return Former WWE NXT Champion Finn Balor recently spoke with Sports Illustrated about a wide range of topics. Here are the highlights: For the Balor character, the heel turn allows you to show off even more versatility. Why is returning to NXT, a landscape you already dominated, the right place for your character, especially as a heel? “Everybody talks about ‘Finn going back to NXT’ when in reality I’ve gone back to who I was. I’d been caught up in the bubble of WWE and what they wanted me to be and how they expected me to perform as a character, and I took some time off to re-evaluate who I am and where I came from. I re-evaluated what I want to do and what I want to achieve, and I decided the best thing for me is to be true to who I am. I don’t fit the mold to play corporate ball and please everyone. I need to please myself, so I’m going to shake the trees and see what falls out.” WWE chose you to return to NXT, lendin..


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