Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Justin Credible Discusses Wrestling For WWE While Drunk

Justin Credible Discusses Wrestling For WWE While Drunk Former WWE superstar Justin Credible – also known as Aldo Montoya – recently sat down with The Hannibal TV, where he discussed a handful of events from his career. One of those were a time where Credible was in Montreal with a handful of other WWE superstars, and things got a bit carried away, leading to Credible having to wrestle while drunk. “We flew into Montreal, and when we flew into Montreal…we were starving, and believe it or not, some of the best steaks you could get was at…I don’t know what they call strip joints in Quebec, I think they’re called peelers, but it was like a strip joint.” he said. Credible goes on to explain that while there and eating, Shawn Micheals suggested that the group – which consisted of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac, and Credible – all take some shots. “As we’re drinking and eating, time goes by…it’s 5 o’clock, show starts in Quebec at 7:30, and it was snowing,” he said. “There was no way we..


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