Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Seth Rollins Addresses цickle Audience,Kenny Omega, Twitter & More On WWE After The Bell

Seth Rollins Addresses ‘Fickle Audience,’ Kenny Omega, Twitter & More On WWE After The Bell Seth Rollins was the first of four guests on the debut episode of WWE After The Bell with Corey Graves and the WWE Universal Champion was asked about how he went from “internet darling” to a top-tier talent who faces mixed reactions week after week. Seth says that you can even just branch the tide changing back to last year when he was getting huge reactions before his rivalry with Lesnar. Rollins says that he doesn’t understand what changed, but does know he’s hurt by the current day reaction. “The funny thing is you said all the way back to Tyler Black but you can go back, shoot, six months, you could go back a year, a year ago from Hell In A Cell, you know what I mean, I was everybody’s favorite. Those same people that are panning Hell In A Cell and talking about how Seth Rollins is not cool are the same people that are clamoring for me to be the guy to face Brock Lesnar going into Wrest..

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