Sunday, October 27, 2019

Court Bauer Disccuses MLW, MJF And More

Court Bauer Disccuses MLW, MJF And More On the latest episode of Talk is Jericho, Court Bauer, the founder of Major League Wrestling, discusses the current state of the promotion, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, his time with WWE and more and more. MLW will make its pay-per-view debut on November 2 at Major League Wrestling Saturday Night SuperFight. On his exit from WWE: Bauer: “I was there for two and a half years. I came in in 2005 and left in summer of 2007. I was on the SmackDown team. I was in the midst of their handling of the Chris Benoit thing which, you know, very uncomfortable and they were having the writing team try to be part of the damage control PR crisis team and I’m like ‘This is not the gig and this is not how you really should handle this.’ And at that time, too, I was trying to move on to do something in MMA. It just felt like it was a time to exit with everything going on. Wrestling for me wasn’t fun, there was a heaviness there, it was just a sad time.” On standin..

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